How many honey bees are there? A 2019 update.

Two trillion. That’s the estimated number of honey bees that are kept in hives around the world. The following piece is reblogged from Emily Scott’s Adventures in Beeland. Now we know that the number of bee hives in the world went up again – now at 91 million kept hives and millions of feral colonies! Thanks, Emily!

Adventuresinbeeland's Blog

A year ago I wrote a post titled ‘How many honey bees are there?‘, after a question on Quora got me intrigued about whether any kind of data exists on worldwide honey bee numbers. Would anyone really have counted?

Well, it turns out they have… sort of.

At the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization website, FAOSTAT, you can now download the latest 2017 data on the number of managed bee hives worldwide across 125 countries (though not my own country, the UK!). The individual country data can be downloaded as a juicy detailed spreadsheet or the data can be visualised in interactive attractive graphs for you in the Visualize data section – this tells us that there was a worldwide total of 90,999,730 hives (up slightly from 90,564,654 hives in 2016).

© FAO, Production of Beehives world total 1961-2017, Web address:, Accessed: 14/01/19

These graphs on…

View original post 624 more words

About Ron Miksha

Ron Miksha is a bee ecologist working at the University of Calgary. He is also a geophysicist and does a bit of science writing and blogging. Ron has worked as a radio broadcaster, a beekeeper, and Earth scientist. (Ask him about seismic waves.) He's based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
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9 Responses to How many honey bees are there? A 2019 update.

  1. Pingback: Goodbye, 2019 | Bad Beekeeping Blog

  2. Teresa Huggins says:

    I am a person who observes nature and have noticed a big change in the bee activity lately. Any information that you could send me would be appreciated


  3. Belle says:



  4. Anonymous says:

    I do not like bees


  5. Pingback: 65 Magnificent Facts About Honey Bees - Facts Ride

  6. Pingback: Bye ’21: Don’t let the door hit you. . . | Bad Beekeeping Blog

  7. timon vitalis says:

    i love bees. do you guys Barry from be movie. i just learned bees can speak. thanks!!!!


  8. timon vitalis says:

    hahaha sorry i meant bee movie thanks for understanding


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